On Campus Parking
Campus Parking
Updated 5/30/2024
Student Drivers: It is time to apply for your student parking permit for the 24/25 school year. Next year’s parking permits will be given to Seniors and Juniors only and will be prioritized based upon student need, including but not limited to distance traveled to school.
Be sure to fill this form out before August 12th.
We will notify you by email shortly thereafter to let you know if you will be parking on campus next Fall. You will be able to get your parking permit before the first day of school.
Please read and complete the permit application ONLY if you have a valid drivers license on or before August 14, 2024.
Pick Up and Drop off
All pick-up and drop-offs will need to be conducted on Saunders Road in our pick-up/drop off loop, or at an alternate location.
Student Parking
AWHS Student Drivers: GENERAL PARKING PERMITS have been issued to begin the school year. Students with assigned spots can park in the Main Lot. No one should park in any spot other than their assigned spot. No student parking is allowed without an assigned parking.
Students are not allowed to park in the Devonshire or Saunders parking lots.
Visitor Parking
There are five spots marked "Visitor" that are available in the front Main Lot. If these are full, visitors will need to park in the grass/lawn parking lot that has been temporarily built in our Devonshire Lot, to expand parking. This parking lot is on the corner of Saunders Rd. and Sir Francis Drake Blvd. and can be accessed from either Saunders or Sir Francis Drake. There are handicap parking spaces available both in Devonshire Lot and Saunders Lot.
Substitute Staff Parking
All substitute staff may park in the spot of the staff member they are subbing for. If this information was not provided to you in your substitute posting, you may need to park in the grass/lawn parking lot that has been temporarily built in our Devonshire lot.
We encourage our entire community of students, staff and families to use alternate modes of transportation when coming to school. Our parking lot and street parking are both limited. Always follow parking laws and respect our neighbors. Illegally parked cars will be ticketed.
Marin Transit Youth Pass Information
Marin Transit Youth Pass Information - English
Marin Transit Youth Pass Information - Spanish
The Youth Pass costs $325 for a year. Students from income-qualified household may be eligible for free Youth Passes. To determine if you qualify, download the Parent/Guardian Certification for Eligibility below. Once you complete the form, please bring it to Marissa Ceraolo in room 907 (Budget office).
**Families in West Marin please make note of changes to Marin Transit/Stagecoach routes to/from Archie Williams. Route 68 Stage Schedules: https://marintransit.org/routes/68 For route planning, Marin Transit recommends viewing their routes available by school: https://marintransit.org/schools and their Summary of changes: https://marintransit.org/supplemental-routes