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top 100 Drama vocab words

Top 100 Drake Drama Vocab words 
1 Above
2 Acting
3 Ad lib
4 Antagonist
5 Apron
6 Aside
7 Avenue Seating
8 Backstage
9 Barn Doors
10 Beat
11 Below
12 Blackbox
13 Blackout
14 Blocking
15 Build (dramatic)
16 Business
17 Call time
18 Centerstage "C"
19 Counter/Countercross
20 Cross "X"
21 Crossfade
22 Cue 
23 Curtain call
24 Cut in
25 Cyclorama
26 Denoument
27 Deus ex machina
28 Dimmer
29 Downstage (DS)
30 Dramaturg
31 Dresser
32 Dumbshow
33 Emoting :( myth
34 Ensemble
35 Exit/Exeunt
36 Exposition
37 Fade out
38 Flats
39 Flyspace
40 Focus
41 Footlights
42 Foreshadow
43 Fourth wall
44 Fresnel
45 Gel
46 Gobo
47 Going up on lines
48 Greenroom
49 Groundlings
50 Hit
51 Hold for laughs
52 House 
53 Indicate :(
54 Ingenue
55 Intention
56 In-The-Round
57 Leko 
58 "Line, please"
59 Line-reading
60 Mugging :[
61 Objective
62 Open, cheat out
63 Pit
64 Places
65 Projéct
66 Prompt
67 Props
68 Proscenium
69 Protagonist
70 Quickchange
71 Raked 
72 Repertory
73 Run
74 Run Crew
75 Scoop
76 Scrim
77 Shinbuster
78 Special (lighting)
79 Spike
80 Stage Left "L"
81 Stage Right "R"
82 Stakes
83 Status
84 Steal a scene
85 Strike
86 Substitution Technique
87 Superobjective
88 Tableaux
89 Taking the stage
90 Thespian
91 Thrust staging
92 Top
93 Underdressing
94 Understudy
95 Upstage "U"
96 Upstaging
97 Verfremdungseffekt
98 Vom
99 Wash
100 Wings