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Submit an Agenda Item

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The Site Council Agenda Committee meets the week prior to each meeting

to review agenda items that have been submitted.

The committee will review items and request additional information if needed.

The committee will determine the appropriate meeting for the agenda item.

The person submitting the agenda item will be notified

of AWHS meeting group and date the item will be discussed.

Item Proposal is due the Wednesday before the meeting and should be
submitted to the administrative assistant Suz Blunk via email ( or in person in the Main Office




Name:   _______________________________________________________________


Agenda Item:   _________________________________________________________


Meeting to beDiscussed:    ____   Staff     ____     Teacher Leadership     ____ Site Council




  Summary of Agenda Item (if needed)













  Agenda Category:  (check one category)                                         Agenda Committee


     ___  FOR INFO ONLY  (brief discussion/no action)                                  Time: _____


     ___   ACTION  (discussion & action)                                                        Time: _____


     ___   DELAYED ACTION (to constituents for info/then back for action         Time: _____



For Action Items – attach written detail and motion



 ___   ___  ___   ___   ___  ___   ___   ___  ___   ___   ___  ___   ___   ___  ___   ___



Agenda Committee:


 AWHS Meeting Group: _____________________         Date:  ________________________


 Notification Date:  ________________________          By: __________________________