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January of 2014, the state established a new standardized assessment system as
part of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC). This new
system, known as the California Assessment of Student Performance and
Progress (CAASPP), includes computer-based tests of student achievement in
English language arts/literacy and mathematics (Smarter Balanced) and a
California Standards Test (CST) for Life Science. The Smarter Balanced tests
replace the former paper-based assessment system that included the Standards
Testing and Reporting (STAR) tests. 

The new assessment system is designed to measure student progress and
proficiency on California’s new academic standards (Common Core), which are
designed to help all students graduate ready to pursue a career or attend
college. The Smarter Balanced tests include a wider variety of question types
than STAR tests, including items that ask students to solve problems, think
critically, and write analytically.

While the CAASPP tests are just one gauge of student progress towards
achievement on the state standards, they will provide us valuable data. This
year, the data provides a baseline for measuring student progress and
proficiency. We are not able to compare these results to any previous
assessment results, as CAASPP and STAR tests did not assess the same
learning goals.

The Smarter Balanced assessment results are reported in 4 achievement levels:
standard exceeded, standard met, standard nearly met, and standard not
met. Furthermore, student scores are disaggregated by area within English
language arts and mathematics. In the English language arts test there are 4
areas: reading, writing, listening and research/inquiry. Mathematics has 3 areas:
problem solving, modeling/data analysis, concepts procedures, and
communicating reasoning. The areas data may assist students in identifying
appropriate course work for their senior year in order to achieve college and
career readiness upon graduation.